“Supporting the English-speaking community in West Quebec”

About RAWQ

First established in 1982, RAWQ is a not-for-profit association in cooperation with Woo casino live dedicated to serving and supporting the minority English-speaking community (ESC) in the Outaouais. It plays a significant role in initiatives that support the ESC in the Outaouais by means of advocacy, networking, information and programs for youth, seniors and more.


  • Seeking opportunities to build bridges with the Francophone community through information sharing and dialogue
  • Recognizing outstanding contributions by individuals to the ESC 
  • Partnering with other community groups and networks with shared interests in community projects


Support for Youth
  • Participating in initiatives that enhance youth employment
  • Working with community groups across the province to address the needs of English-speaking youth in Quebec

  • A website geared to the needs of the English-speaking community
  • Directories that list community services that provide services in English
  • Monthly E-Bulletins and quarterly newsletters that inform members and community partners about upcoming events, news, and other initiatives 
  • Workshops and learning opportunities
  • Referral centre for information on available municipal and community services
  • Support for community initiatives

Mission Statement

To serve and support the English-speaking population of the Outaouais

  • Encourage the creation and implementation of social, educational, and cultural programs
  • Improve access to English services and information, and to instruction in French as a second language
  • Support cultural and artistic activities in the English-speaking population
  • Provide the means for youth to exercise influence within the association and the community at large
  • Nurture relations with the French-speaking majority
  • Serve as an information and resource center for the community
  • Encourage the participation of English-speaking people in the region's decision-making bodies
  • Promote the rights of minority official language communities across the country.


Supporting the English-speaking community in West Quebec.

A healthy English-speaking community in a secure French-speaking Quebec.
A strong Quebec in a united Canada.

Funding Recognition

The Regional Association of West Quebecers is funded by the Federal Government, under the Collaboration Agreement, and sponsored, primarily, through the Department of Canadian Heritage under their Official Languages Support Program.

In addition, RAWQ undertakes individual projects which may be funded, or partially funded, by various levels of government - municipal, provincial, federal - or by fundraising activities initiated by RAWQ and its members.

Furthermore, there are times when RAWQ may participate in a province-wide project initiated and funded by another organization.

The Regional Association of West Quebecers is a member of the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)


  • QCGN’s Access to Justice project has a new website that offers free information about accessing rights to public services in English in Quebec, links to legal and community resources, and many more features. (Click here to visit the Access to Justice site)


The Regional Development Network (RDN)


The Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN)